Friday, November 30, 2012

November Update

I know it has been a little while since my last post but the work on the Provo City Center Temple has been progressing.  It was noted in the local media that in the process of additional excavation that they found one of the earliest know Baptismal fonts in Utah county The font area sat just to the east of my parking stall and I noticed that they were very carefully digging around something that they had found.  Here is a link to KSL reporting -

The Article from the Daily Herald -

I have observed that they along with creating an interrior concrete support have removed all of the exterrior scaffling and have started to do work around the foundation.  They are also been doing drilling on the interior and a few times I have noticed water running on the inside and it has been pumped out into a make shift pond north of the building.  I do not know if they have run into water issues due to the high water table or it is run off from the concrete work.  I know that in the work of building a new parking structure for Nu Skin they have had to pump out water and it appears that they are having to build a drainage system to remove ground water.  I do not know if this will be an issue for the Temple.  I have been told and only know it as rumor that they will in some manner hoist the building off of the original foundation so that a new one can be make to withstand earthquakes.  They continue work and pouring concrete for the underground entrance to the parking structure that will replace the current Nu Skin Parking.

I have attached the following picture to show the current progress.